Monday, September 14, 2015

StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Opening Cinematic

Yesterday, Blizzard posted a cinematic for StarCraft II. If you're a hyperactive tech guy like me, you've probably already read the article about it on TechCrunch. As I always do with these, I'll give you my opinion and point of view in a nice blog post.

I think this cinematic really looks awesome. While StarCraft may not be my cup of tea at all, this cinematic alone made me consider at least trying it out. What harm could it do apart from getting me addicted to yet another video game?
It looked better graphics-wise than any WoW cinematic I've ever seen. There's obviously a huge war going on as we're going to take back Aiur and battle the massive swarm that has plagued it (sounds a lot like what the Forsaken are doing to me, just here you don't seem to have a choice of what side you take).
As I'm experienced with video editing and rendering I know how much time and effort must've went into this cinematic and how much money Blizzard spent on this fantastic work of art. The day they make the story into a movie with as good quality as that cinematic is going to be a very happy day for me, I reckon.
And with BlizzCon coming soon I don't think that'll be the only awesome footage we see, so be prepared or else... "You are not prepared!"

Apart from that I can't really give you any suggestions for what to expect as I'm not familiar with StarCraft at all.

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