Monday, May 11, 2015

Filming at the Music Academy

One of my passions is filming and photography, I love playing around with designs. Today, I went to film for the music academy and I had some interesting experiences there so I decided to tell you all about what happened.

We had one spare battery so that one of us (me along with another student at the academy) could run out of battery charge before we'd start to lose footage. We thought this wouldn't be a problem as both cameras indicated that their batteries were doing just fine. So we set up our cameras and waited for the event to start.
Three minutes into the event I noticed my battery was going down extremely fast. It only took three minutes for the thing to go from indicating the battery was full of charge to it automatically shutting of because it had no electricity left.
Ofcourse I went and checked the spare battery because I thought I could use that one for the rest of the event, but my friend had already used that one because his battery had only 50% charge left at the start of the event and I couldn't find his used battery.
I was honestly pissed at this point, but I wasn't allowed to show the audience that there was trouble so I pretty much just stood there watching the event without having to pay (maybe that's a new way to get "free tickets"?"
After the event I told the other guy about my battery problems and he showed me that the other battery was at the other side of the room, recharging. I felt so stupid because I should've went to ask him where it was but I didn't do that for the purpose of not disturbing the audience.

What I learned from this is that you should always keep on trying to find a way to achieve your goals and that the time or effort it takes doesn't really matter as long as you succeed.
I didn't do that and they were unhappy about me not providing them any of the promised footage.

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