Sunday, May 31, 2015

RuneScape Podcast #48: Diversions, Distractions and Deaths (My Opinion)

In this episode of the RuneScape Podcast, the special guests are from the Ninja Team. The Ninja team does loads of smaller updates that are frequently requested by the players so that the game gets optimized even in the little details.

Wow, these guys really don't sit still, do they? The amount of additions to the game these guys just summed up is huge. I follow some of these guys on Twitter so that I get to see the smaller updates that are coming up in the near future as quickly as possible, but I never imagined it actually being the Ninja team being as active as they are.
Another thing I loved to hear is that they released an update for Free2Play. I'll need to dive into that and I will probably make a post about that pretty soon.
They also told us to submit any ideas to RuneLabs instead of sending it to anywhere else. This is something I think is unnecessary to notice: if people can't be bothered to go over to RuneLabs to submit their ideas, they probably don't think their ideas are that important at all. If it doesn't make it in RuneLabs, the community doesn't really want it. That's the way it works with RuneScape since the release of RuneLabs.

A quite interesting thing to note is that this is already the second podcast in line that is about the Ninja team. These guys are quite popular as they provide small tweaks whenever they get requested a lot and that is something that loads of MMO's should probably concider having a seperate team for as the community really has loads of cool ideas. I mean, seriously, the community are the people that pay for the game and keep it up and running. Why not give them the right to speak up for themselves and let them tell Jagex exactly what they want?

All of the questions they answered, ofcourse, come from the forums so if you want them to dive into any questions you might have about the game, simply go to the forums on the official RuneScape website. You'll get your answers in no time.
If you have suggestions for the game, simply head over to the RuneLabs section of the official web-site and you can submit it right away. If it gets loads of votes, Jagex will concider adding your idea to the game and your idea could be added in no time.

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