Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Black Ops III Teaser: Hidden Locations!

You might already know about it: a Black Ops III teaser has been launched on the official Call of Duty channel! It contains some hidden coördinates leading to two different locations on Earth, so let's get right into them.

6th October Bridge: Caïro, Egypt (30.05°N, 31,2333°E)

Source: www.vg247.com
This was the location reveiled by the first set of coördinates that was found (by Th3-Chronikk) so far. If you look at the bottom/right corner, you'll see a set of coördinates that is actually really easy to spot. The guys at the Se7enSins forums have already done the looking up for you and have found, using Google Maps, that these coördinates lead to the 6th October Bridge in Caïro.
6th October Bridge, Caïro (Egypt) - Source: en.wikipedia.org
This bridge is also known as the "spinal cord" of Caïro, as around about half a million people use it on a daily basis. It connects East- and West-Caïro.
There's loads of possibilities when it comes to how they're going to put this area into the game: will they make it a war between East and West, or will it stay on one side? Will the warzone be on one side of the bridge? There's only one thing that's for sure: they didn't pick these coördinates randomly.

Schanzengasse 14, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

This is a very CoD-like environment: some awesome hiding spots, yet also some streets where you are out in the open.
 Pictures: Google StreetView, screenshots by OriginallyFamous

I think that in the evening or by night, this area would look awesome to be included in Call of Duty. Beware: this area would also be good for campers.
Now the coördinates for this one. They were, again, found by Th3-Chronikk. These coördinates are a little bit harder to spot, but if you look very closely at the middle of the right-hand side of the picture, you'll see that these coördinates are in a clear font while all the text around it was blurred.
Source: www.vg247.com

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